
ESG: The Freedom to Communicate and Collaborate

Discover the latest trends shaping communication and collaboration application security based on responses to a recent survey from ESG.
ESG: The Freedom to Communicate and Collaborate

With workers now collaborating in a predominantly virtual space, organizations depend on methods of digital communication beyond email. Cloud-based collaboration tools offer a slew of productivity benefits, but they also provide bad actors with new and invasive attack opportunities.

ESG Collaborate

Download The Freedom to Communicate and Collaborate from ESG to learn:

  • How your peers are thinking about security across all cloud communications

  • Which opportunities they’re considering to mitigate risk across collaboration applications

  • Where this expanding threat vector fits into modern security strategies and practices

Fill out the form to get your copy today.

The ESG Survey: The Freedom to Communicate and Collaborate is a third-party analysis commissioned by Abnormal Security and conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG). The report surveys nearly 500 IT and cybersecurity professionals to identify key challenges, objectives, and security risks present across collaborative cloud applications.

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