
Customer Love: 5 Benefits of Using AI in Email Security

Discover why Abnormal customers trust an AI-powered solution to protect their organizations from advanced email attacks.
January 29, 2024

As the landscape of cyber threats evolves, so too must our defenses. The rise of generative AI has introduced new challenges as cybercriminals increasingly leverage sophisticated attack techniques to gain access to sensitive data. Traditional security measures often struggle to keep pace with the dynamic nature of these threats, failing to spot socially-engineered attacks.

An AI-based solution like Abnormal, however, can analyze vast amounts of data at high speeds, detect patterns, and identify anomalies that may indicate malicious activities—even when traditional indicators of attack are not present. The adaptive nature of Abnormal’s platform allows it to evolve alongside emerging threats, providing proactive defense to our customers—no matter what new tricks cybercriminals have in store.

You don’t have to take our word for it, though. Hear what our customers have to say about the benefits of an AI-powered email security solution and why they continue to trust Abnormal to protect their inboxes.

1. Stops Attacks That Lack Traditional Indicators of Compromise

“We knew that a solution using AI and machine learning would be a better option than a static solution using compromise indicators like hashes and signatures. The more I looked into what Abnormal was doing in terms of AI and ML, the more I became a big fan of their approach versus what I was seeing from other vendors.”
- Christopher Chambers, VP of Information Security, Comfort Systems

In the past, legacy security solutions have relied on traditional indicators of compromise (IOCs) to detect email attacks. These indicators included things like bad domain reputations, malicious attachments, and suspicious links—all based on previous threat intelligence. Unfortunately, modern email attacks have grown in sophistication and can slip by legacy security solutions without setting off any IOC alarms as attacks learn to create net-new attacks that rely on social engineering rather than malicious files. Fortunately, however, Abnormal’s AI-powered solution can detect even the slightest changes in user behavior across the cloud email environment to detect and stop attacks with never-before-seen indicators of compromise. Using machine learning, Abnormal creates a baseline of known-good user behavior and communication, allowing the platform to detect anomalous activity to identify and automatically remediate malicious email attacks.

2. Provides a Comprehensive Understanding of Known-Good User Behavior Across Your Organization

“The team and I wanted an AI-based approach that would look at what normal is, what abnormal is, and patterns of behaviour across the organisation. We have a big team, but we’re a fast-paced organisation, so ease of integration was really important to us. Obviously, integration with Microsoft was a requirement. Abnormal was the answer.”
- Jonny Concannon, Group Information Security Manager, Boohoo Group

By meticulously analyzing and establishing a baseline of normal user activities, the Abnormal platform becomes adept at identifying anomalies and potential threats across an organization’s cloud environment. This proactive approach enables businesses to distinguish between legitimate user behavior and malicious actions, fostering a more nuanced and effective defense strategy. Our commitment to delivering a holistic view of known-good user behavior empowers organizations to stay one step ahead, enhancing their overall security posture and minimizing the risks associated with evolving cyber threats.

3. Uniquely Positioned to Detect Attacks Created by Malicious AI

“Generative AI poses a remarkable threat to email security. Abnormal is uniquely positioned to stay ahead of attackers who are using sophisticated AI to deliver malware and socially-engineered messages to our email inboxes. We’re leaning into Abnormal for that expertise.”
- Karl Mattson, CISO, Noname Security

The past year saw monumental developments in artificial intelligence, specifically in generative AI. Platforms like ChatGPT and WormGPT created opportunities for businesses to optimize their operations, but unfortunately, they also provided a platform for malicious actors to create sophisticated email attacks at an unprecedented rate. The best way to combat this increasing threat is through the use of an AI-powered security solution. Abnormal is uniquely positioned to protect our customers from malicious AI attacks with the use of “good AI” and machine learning to understand signals of known-good behavior. This creates a baseline for each user and each organization, then blocks emails that deviate from these norms.

4. Quickly Adapts to the Evolving Threat Landscape

“Adversaries are changing from year to year and toolset to toolset, and we have to shift constantly as well. Our school of thought is if attackers now are using sophisticated techniques like AI, we should be using AI to combat them, and Abnormal delivers that for us.”
- Jeff McDonald, Senior Vice President of Technology Services,

As email threats continue to increase in sophistication, organizations need to be able to rely on a security solution that adapts to an ever-evolving threat landscape. Unlike traditional secure email gateways (SEGs), Abnormal’s modern architecture and behavioral AI allow it to adapt to new threats across all business communication platforms. In fact, our new QR Code Detector was created in response to the recent increase in malicious QR codes used by threat actors to bypass email defenses. This is just one example of how Abnormal is continually adapting to new threats.

5. Boosts Security Team Productivity with Quick Detection and Automatic Remediation

“Abnormal is a set-it-and-forget-it solution, taking the worry out of cloud email security. The combination of behavioral AI to find malicious emails and automation to remediate them allows my team to focus on other things.”
- David Din, CIO, Virginia Beach City Public Schools

In today's dynamic cybersecurity landscape, the ability to swiftly identify potential threats is crucial, and it is equally essential to streamline the response process. AI-based security solutions ensure that security teams can promptly pinpoint and assess potential security incidents. When coupled with automatic remediation, this approach enables automated, real-time responses to security threats, significantly reducing the burden on security professionals. Abnormal’s ability to automatically detect and remediate malicious email attacks allows security teams to streamline operations and prioritize other security concerns.

Choosing the Right AI-Powered Solution

AI is more than a buzzword, and choosing the right AI-powered security solution is a crucial first step in protecting your business from cyberattacks. Abnormal’s commitment to understanding and adapting to the unique nuances of known-good user behavior sets us apart. With an unwavering dedication to our customers, we ensure that organizations are not merely equipped with cutting-edge technology but are actively supported in navigating the ever-evolving threat landscape. That’s why these customers are so pleased with the AI-based defenses provided by Abnormal and why more than 2000 organizations (and counting!) trust Abnormal with their email security.

Elevate your cybersecurity defenses and embrace the future with confidence by choosing Abnormal as your trusted AI solution. Interested in learning more? Schedule a demo today!

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Customer Love: 5 Benefits of Using AI in Email Security

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