TAG Cyber: Enterprise Buyer's Guide for Cloud Email Security Solutions
Enterprise security teams understand that email is a major target for adversaries. Email use involves every employee, partner, supplier, and customer and includes data that can range from innocuous chatter to highly sensitive information.
But malicious actors continue to succeed when attacking email services, with virtually every major cyberattack involving some type of exploitable weakness in an email account or the improper use of email by an unsuspecting victim. Thus, the cybersecurity risks of cloud email require a new type of defense—one that is different from traditional protection.
Download the Enterprise Buyer's Guide for Cloud Email Security Solutions from TAG Cyber to learn:
How cloud email security has evolved and what security challenges still exist
Which cyber risks are not addressed by native Microsoft and Google protection
What requirements buyers should include in their security planning
Which questions to ask providers of modern cloud email security solutions
Fill out the form to get your copy today.
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