
Abnormal for K-12 School Systems

Discover the AI-based email security platform that protects educational organizations from the full spectrum of attacks.
Abnormal for K-12 School Systems

Sophisticated Email Attacks Put Schools at Risk

K-12 schools are home to student information, intellectual property, and sensitive research data. They also have large email attack surfaces, including staff, faculty, students, board members, vendors, partner institutions, and more. That’s why schools are increasingly popular targets for advanced email attacks that can cost millions to remediate.

Advanced Attackers Know How to Evade Defenses

Modern credential phishing, ransomware, business email compromise, and account takeover attacks get past legacy defenses. Every threat that reaches the inbox puts school systems at risk for data breaches, FERPA violations, IP theft, financial losses, reputational damage, and loss of public trust. And while security awareness training is beneficial, ensuring that thousands of students, staff, board members, and others know how to spot an attack can be exceedingly difficult.

Modern Email Security for Educational Organizations

Abnormal’s cloud-native solution integrates with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace in minutes and uses thousands of signals across identity, behavior, and content to separate legitimate messages from dangerous threats. Because Abnormal recognizes anomalies even in ongoing conversations, it instantly detects and remediates advanced threats that legacy systems miss—protecting your faculty, staff, students, and others.

Discover more about Abnormal for K-12 school systems.

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Criminals Target K-12 School Systems


of 2021 education data breaches were ransomware attacks.


of K-12 data breaches are the result of security issues at school district vendors.


average weekly probability of a BEC attack on an educational organization.

Get AI Protection for Your Human Interactions

Protect your organization from socially-engineered email attacks that target human behavior.
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