
Stop Third-Party App Attacks

Keep malicious applications from gaining access to your cloud email platform.
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Over-Permissioned Apps are a Security Blindspot

Security teams often lack visibility into new third-party app integrations and permission changes. A malicious application integrated into the email platform can gain access to VIP mailboxes and steal user credentials, all without triggering security alarms.

How Abnormal Stops Third-Party App Attacks

  1. Detects suspicious email messages requesting that users approve new app integrations and permissions.
  2. Automatically remediates suspicious messages before users can interact.
  3. Surfaces high-impact changes to integrated app permissions that could indicate risk.

An Abnormal Approach to Stopping Third-Party App Attacks

  1. Advanced AI detects suspicious emails that contain otherwise legitimate links to install malicious applications.
  2. Provides organizations with detailed profiles for each integrated application through AppBase.
  3. Surfaces changes to apps already integrated into the email platform, including changes in permissions.

Abnormal Benefits of Stopping Third-Party App Attacks

Solves a security blindspot by surfacing risky app integrations.
Protects the email platform from malicious app integrations.
Manages risk by alerting when new applications are installed or permissions change.

Discover How to Stop Third-Party App Attacks

See how you can detect risky changes to app integrations and permissions.
See Security Posture Management

See the Latest Attacks

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Watch the Third-Party App Attack Demo

Discover how Abnormal stops third-party app attacks.
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Get AI Protection for Your Human Interactions

Stop attacks emanating from connected third-party applications.
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