
Platform Features

The Abnormal platform offers many no-cost features that apply AI to support human behavior understanding and stop attacks.
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Protect the Human Vulnerability

API Integration

Integrates directly with Microsoft or Google via API to start protecting your cloud email platform in minutes. The API connection ingests thousands of human behavior signals to effectively baseline known behavior.


Gain visibility into cross-application privileges, derived insights from Abnormal AI, and a cross-platform identity timeline of notable events for every employee.


Surfaces and aggregates IP-based intelligence related to email threats and account takeovers to support your threat hunting and incident response efforts and streamline your SOC processes.


Identifies compromised vendors to stop email supply chain attacks by understanding all vendors and communication patterns for all third-party suppliers with whom you do business via email.


Provides a directory of third-party apps integrated with your cloud email, including those that are potentially risky or malicious, to prevent breaches from connected applications.


Highlights changes to mail and cloud application tenant configurations, surfacing changes to conditional access policies, permissions, and admin roles that could introduce risk to your organization.

Role-Based Access Control

Maintain the appropriate level of access for each Portal user across features, data, and email content with granular control options that fit your team’s needs.

Tenant Management

Add new tenants directly within the Abnormal Portal, automating the steps to integration and speeding up your time to protection.

Notification and Alerts

Receive automated notifications across a range of email categories, from weekly threat and graymail updates to alerts on user-reported phishing attempts and potential account takeovers.

Audit Log

Meet audit requests and investigate potential risks if unauthorized users have been granted access with a granular log of Portal activities.


Understand trends about your threat landscape with visual reports of historical attack metrics, along with deeper insights and trending data across the Portal.
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Get AI Protection for Your Human Interactions

See the leading AI-native platform for human behavior security.
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