
H1 2023 - “Read” Alert: Data Shows 28% of BEC Attacks Opened by Employees

Explore recent developments in the email threat environment, including the growing risk employees pose to an organization’s cybersecurity.
H1 2023 - “Read” Alert: Data Shows 28% of BEC Attacks Opened by Employees

Your employees are your greatest asset. They also pose the greatest risk to your organization’s security.

Our latest research shows that the median open rate for text-based business email compromise (BEC) attacks is nearly 28%. And of the malicious emails that are read, an average of 15% are replied to.

Attack Engagement Rate by Organization Size

Download the H1 2023 threat report for insight into the latest attack trends. Findings include:

  • 81% increase in BEC attacks between the first and second half of 2022

  • 63% likelihood of large enterprises experiencing a supply chain compromise attack

  • Only 2.1% of known attacks are reported to the security team by employees

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