
Keep up with the latest news in cybersecurity with insight from our team of experts.
Blog saving memory python cover
At a hyper-growth startup, a solution from six months ago will unfortunately no longer scale. The business is growing rapidly, and this traffic to this service in particular was growing at an unprecedented rate. We hit a point where it needed re-architecting to support 10x the current scale.
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B 12 03 22 SIEM
Learn about Abnormal’s enhanced SIEM export schema, which provides centralized visibility into email threats
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Blog phishing cover
The phishing email is one of the oldest and most successful types of cyberattacks. Attackers have long used phishing as a common attack vector to steal sensitive information or credentials from their victims. While most phishing emails are relatively simple to spot, the number of successful attacks has grown in recent years.
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Blog brand cover
For those of you who have visited the Abnormal website over the last month, you’ve seen something different—a redesigned brand focused on precision. It’s new and innovative, and different from any other cybersecurity company, because it was created with one thing in mind: our customers.
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B 11 22 21 AAA
At Abnormal, our customers have always been our biggest priority. Customer obsession is one of our five company values, and we live this every single day as we provide the best email security protection available for the hundreds of companies who entrust us to protect their mailboxes.
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Blog microsoft abnormal cover
Before we jump into modern threats, I think it’s important to set the stage ​​since email has been around. Since email existed, threat actors targeted email users with malicious messages, general spam, and different ways to take advantage of the platform. Then of course, more dangerous attacks started to come up… things like malware and other viruses.
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Blog black friday scam cover
While cybersecurity awareness is a year-round venture, it is especially important to be mindful during certain times of the year. With Thanksgiving here in the United States on Thursday, our thoughts will likely be on our family and friends and everything we have to be thankful for this holiday season.
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Blog automation workflows cover
Our newest platform capabilities help customers streamline critical security workflows, like triaging phishing mailbox submissions or triggering tickets to investigate account takeovers, through automated playbooks. Doing so can decrease mean time to respond (MTTR) to incidents, further reducing any potential risk to the organization and eliminating manual workflows to save time and increase the efficiency of IT and security teams.
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Blog tsa scam cover
On November 9, 2021, we identified an unusual phishing email that claimed to be from “Immigration Visa and Travel,” inviting the recipient to renew their membership in the TSA PreCheck program. The email wasn’t sent from a .gov domain, but the average consumer might not immediately reject it as a scam, particularly because it had the term “immigrationvisaforms” in the domain. The email instructed the user to renew their membership at another quasi-legitimate-looking website.
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Blog pyspark cover
At Abnormal Security, we use a data science-based approach to keep our customers safe from the most advanced email attacks. This requires processing huge amounts of data to train machine learning models, build datasets, and otherwise model the typical behavior of the organizations we’re protecting.
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Blog tiktok attack cover
As major social media platforms have expanded the ability of creators to monetize their content in the last few years, they and their users have increasingly found themselves the targets of malicious activity. TikTok is now no exception.
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Blog detection efficacy cover
One of the key objectives of the Abnormal platform is to provide the highest precision detection to block all never-before-seen attacks. This ranges from socially-engineered attacks to account takeovers to everyday spam, and the platform does it without customers needing to create countless rules like with traditional secure email gateways.
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Podcast green blog
Tony Dong, Director of Engineering at Rippling, is no stranger to the diverse set of engineering problems that fast-growing startups create. Before building and leading his teams at Rippling, Tony was CTO and co-founder at PerShop, a YC backed startup, and Senior Engineer at Twitter, Periscope, and TellApart.
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Blog siem integration cover
Abnormal is focused on our customers, which is why we’re continually updating our product based on customer feedback. Our newest platform capabilities help customers maximize existing security investments with several integrations that will allow security operation centers (SOCs) to better respond to security events and align with internal workflows.
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Blog distributed codebase cover
As Abnormal grows, we have to maintain a scalable codebase across all areas of engineering to prevent issues around testing, maintainability, and documentation. When organizations scale, a common problem is that the codebase becomes cluttered, with multiple teams writing different code that accomplishes the same task.
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Blog csam tools cover
As we close the books on another Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it’s clear that cybersecurity should be a priority all twelve months—not just one. To do so, security teams should emphasize practical tools (the what) and techniques (the how) to keep the company and employees safe.
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Compromised account detection cover
One of our key objectives at Abnormal is to provide the highest precision detection to block all never-before-seen attacks. We stop a wide range of threats, encompassing everything from social engineering attacks and business email compromise to everyday spam, and we do it without requiring customers to create countless rules, as is the case with traditional secure email gateways.
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Observations design cover
Nearly six months ago, I joined Abnormal as a Product Designer, doubling the size of our Product Design team from one to two. In this time, we've shipped products that protect people against email threats, updated our design system, launched a new brand, and improved many processes. It’s been an exciting time to be at Abnormal, and the experience has made me a better designer.
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Quishing blog cover
What is unique to this campaign is that these messages contained QR codes offering access to a missed voicemail, handily avoiding the URL scan feature for email attachments present in secure email gateways and native security controls
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B 10 15 21
With Detection 360, submission to threat containment just got 94% faster, making it incredibly easy for customers to submit false positives or missed attacks, and get real-time updates from Abnormal on investigation, conclusion, and remediation.
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Extortion blog cover
Unfortunately, physically threatening extortion attempts sent via email continue to impact companies and public institutions when received—disrupting business, intimidating employees, and occasioning costly responses from public safety.
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Blog engineering cybersecurity careers
Cybersecurity Careers Awareness Week is a great opportunity to explore key careers in information security, particularly as there are an estimated 3.1 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs. This disparity means that cybercriminals are taking advantage of the situation, sending more targeted attacks and seeing greater success each year.
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Blog hiring cybersecurity leaders
As with every equation, there are always two sides and while it can be easy to blame users when they fall victim to scams and attacks, we also need to examine how we build and staff security teams.
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Cover automated ato
With an increase in threat actor attention toward compromising accounts, Abnormal is focused on protecting our customers from this potentially high-profile threat. We are pleased to announce that our new Automated Email Account Takeover (ATO) Remediation functionality is available.
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Protect your organization from socially-engineered email attacks that target human behavior.
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