
Keep up with the latest news in cybersecurity with insight from our team of experts.
B 04 28 22 8 Key Differences
At Abnormal, we pride ourselves on our excellent machine learning engineering team. Here are some patterns we use to distinguish between effective and ineffective ML engineers.
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B 04 26 22 Webinar Re Replacing Your SEG
Learn how Microsoft 365 and Abnormal work together to provide comprehensive defense-in-depth protection in part two of our webinar recap.
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Blog mitigate threats cover
Learn about the most common socially-engineered attacks and why these tactics are still so successful—despite a growing awareness from employees.
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B Podcast Engineering8
In episode 8 of Abnormal Engineering Stories, Kevin interviews Saminda Wijegunawardena, an engineering leader who is no stranger to fast-growing enterprise startups.
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B 04 04 22 Webinar Recap Krebs
High-impact emails are on the rise and secure email gateways (SEGs) don’t have the functionality to mitigate them. Learn how your SEG is letting you down.
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B 04 19 22 Facebook Phishing
While phishing emails have long been a popular way to steal Facebook login credentials, we’ve recently seen an increase in more sophisticated phishing attacks.
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B 04 19 22 What CIS Oneedto Know
The email threat landscape is evolving fast. Discover the new tactics cybercriminals are using and how to reduce your risk of falling victim to these modern email attacks.
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Cover Threat of Phishing Blog 04 12 22
Successful phishing attacks have increased by 34% in the last year, making it the most common email attack. Learn why phishing is so dangerous.
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B 04 08 22 Supply Chain
The risk of supply chain compromise (also known as vendor email compromise or VEC) continues to increase. Our latest research uncovered some startling statistics about these attacks.
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B 04 07 22 Company Award
Abnormal is excited to be named a Great Place to Work and one of America’s Best Startup Employers, showcasing our incredible culture and people.
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B 04 06 22 BEC threat report
Business email compromise (BEC) attacks have increased considerably over the past 6 months. Here’s how cybercriminals are changing their targets and tactics.
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B 04 05 22 RAT
Threat actors are posing as businesses and individuals seeking tax preparation services and then providing copies of the Sorillus client remote access tool (RAT).
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B 04 1 22 Sophisticated Lateral Phishing Email Attacks
See how the Abnormal platform has improved the effectiveness of lateral attack detection and how it stops the most advanced attacks.
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B 03 31 22 Design for the Unknown
Hear how Lily Li, Product Designer at Abnormal, broke into the world of email security and learn how you can successfully start a role in a new industry.
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Blog legacy seg ic3 cover
There’s no room for 2002 solutions when it comes to your organization’s email security. In 2022, you need a modern approach and modern architecture to stop modern attacks.
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Blog autotrain models cover
There are many approaches to ensuring our system can adapt quickly to new attack trends. One of the most successful approaches we’ve found is to take in the newest attacks and retrain our system end-to-end to detect them.
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Blog fbi ic3 cover
It’s IC3 Report week! In what has become an annual holiday for anyone that’s heavily involved in researching business email compromise (BEC) attacks, the FBI released its 2021 Internet Crime Report that details trends in various types of cybercrime activity over the past year.
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Blog phone fraud cover
Today, Abnormal released our H1 2022 Email Threat Report, focused on data from July to December 2021. Over the course of those six months, we tracked a relatively new form of cyber attack—phone fraud that starts via email.
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Blog model understanding cover
Here at Abnormal, our machine learning models help us spot trends and abnormalities in customer data in order to catch and prevent cyberattacks.
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Blog new nav cover
The new navigation involved a significant functional and visual overhaul of the user interface. It includes a refined user experience divided into three design themes.
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Blog mediterranian restaurant cover
To help the restaurant business succeed, the Director of Cybersecurity implemented Abnormal Security to stop spear phishing emails and other advanced attacks.
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Blog bazarloaders cover
Actors are now exploiting the customer contact form on websites to bypass email security and encourage BazarLoader downloads.
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Types of phishing blog cover
Phishing is one of the most common and costly cyberattacks in cybersecurity. But there isn't just one type of phishing attack.
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Blog mrk partner coverpng
At Abnormal Security, our channel partners are critical to our continued rocket-ship growth and we’re delighted to recognize the impact they have on our mutual customers and on our mission to stop cybercrime.
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