
Prevent Unwanted Mail


Your email security providers say they’ve solved your unwanted mail problem, but graymail still makes up 13% of the average employee’s inbox.

Advanced behavioral AI is the best way to keep unwanted graymail and spam from reaching employees and distracting IT Teams.

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Unwanted Mail is a Productivity Drain


IT Teams are


IT Teams spend as many as 3 hours a week addressing tuning and configuration for spam and graymail.


Executive Assistants
Handle Triage


Executives receive 230% more graymail than the average employee, costing executive assistants 16 hours per week.


Employees Waste


Employees lose two business days per year sorting out external emails.


Defining Unwanted Mail


Stopping Spam


Spam is unsolicited commercial email that is oftentimes questionable. The content within it is rarely valuable.

Spammers often email the same message to thousands or millions of people. While most of it is non-malicious, there are certain types that may serve up malware or result in credential theft.

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Preventing Graymail


Graymail comes from a legitimate source, contains marketing language, and has varying value to different people.

Graymail often appears as vendor cold calls, periodic newsletters, announcements, or advertisements to which a subscriber has opted 
in to receiving, but may no longer wish to receive.

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A New Solution for Preventing Unwanted Mail


Legacy Approach


Existing solutions rely on rule-based detection, spam digests, and quarantine portals, but these require manual intervention from your employees and constant monitoring from your messaging teams.

Plus, they lack any telemetry to end user behavior, like folder moves or open rates, that can provide personalized, adaptive protection.


Modern Solution


A modern solution puts unwanted mail on autopilot by detecting and remediating spam automatically with a policy-free approach.

Advanced behavioral AI can assess the identity, behavior, and content of senders to classify and remediate email messages, and self-learns based on end users’ preferences. Employees enjoy a native Microsoft 365 experience without spam digests and quarantine portals.


A New Solution for Preventing Unwanted Mail


Detects Unwanted Mail with High Precision


Abnormal derives business context on the organizations we serve from our cloud-native, 
API-based architecture.

This API-based architecture allows us to learn identity, behavior, and content patterns that define spam and graymail, then automatically take action to remediate those messages.


Eliminates Spam Digests and
Quarantine Portals


When Abnormal categorizes a message as spam or graymail, it instantly moves it out of an employees inbox and into the relevant folder. No daily digests or quarantine portals are required; users never need to leave the native Microsoft 365 experience.


Self-Learns and Adapts to User Behavior


When employees move messages into the Promotions folder, Abnormal gains insight about their specific preferences, including which messages they find valuable and important. Abnormal is constantly learning and adapting to user behavior to refine protection over time.


Measures the Productivity You Gain


Most organizations have no way to measure the impact that email hygiene has on user productivity. Abnormal shows you impact of limiting graymail with dashboards that display time saved for executives and employees and visualizations that are easy to understand and share.


Trusted by Global Enterprises


See the Abnormal Solution to the Email Security Problem

Protect your organization from the full spectrum of email attacks with Abnormal.

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